The EDE Bootcamp system is an intense three-day hands-on program that provides the user with directly supervised scanning of over 100 live models. Visual and auditory station timers keep everyone on schedule and maximize probe time. Real time monitoring of participant progress allows individualized instruction planning and additional scan time if needed.
Please note these are very resource intensive courses with one-to-one instruction by trained clinical instructors. There is a $300 fee for cancellations more than 4 weeks in advance and no refund for cancellations less than 4 weeks before the first day of a course. Like a big vacation, consider cancellation insurance if having to opt out of a registered course will be a financial hardship.

Approximately 10 hours of written and video course materials are completed before the workshop.

You are usually working in pairs with one partner scanning while the other observes and absorbs new information.

Written, practical and visual exams are administered during bootcamp to consolidate learning and qualify the participant for Canadian Point of Care Ultrasound Independent Practitioner Certification.

CORE Bootcamp is designed for the complete novice. No prior POCUS training is required. Learn to scan for pericardial effusions, abdominal aortic aneurysms, intraperitoneal free fluid, 1st TM pregnancy, pneumothorax, and pleural effusions.

Resuscitation Bootcamp provides training in several cardiac views, along with IVC and lung assessment for management of the shock patient.

Diagnostic Bootcamp trains participants to scan for cholecystitis, DVT, hydronephrosis, bladder size, retinal detachment, and vitreous bleeds.

MSK Bootcamp trains participants to look for long bone and flat bone fractures, joints for effusion and dislocation, basic tendon ruptures, cellulitis, abscesses, foreign bodies, lymph nodes.